A Framework for Wise Education®
A cutting-edge whole-child approach to parenting and education that supports children’s well-being
Ellen Tadd’s Framework for Wise Education® is based on her unique understanding of the human energy (chakra) system and its fundamental role in human development. The Framework approach applies to children of all ages in any setting.
Even if the concept of the chakras is new to you, their expressions are likely quite familiar. Butterflies in the stomach, a tightening in the throat when anxious to speak up, or a swelling in the chest when feeling love for a child — these experiences are linked to the function of the chakra system.
Ellen Tadd recognizes that a chakra can be dominant, diminished, or balanced in its expression. Dominant and diminished function in the chakras contribute to serious challenges, such as depression, low self-esteem, emotional reactivity, or lack of self-discipline.
Teaching and nurturing a child within this framework supports the healthy function of their chakras. This, in turn, enhances the child's overall well-being and supports their growth and development.
“The word chakra means “wheel” in Sanskrit. There are seven major chakras aligned from the top of the head to the base of the spine. These chakras are actually located in the etheric body, an energy body that is blended with the physical body. Each chakra center represents a different part of our nature, and it is through the chakra system that we receive, emanate, and process our life experiences.” — Ellen Tadd
The Framework Categories
Within the multi-faceted nature of each energy center, there is a corresponding emphasis. The seven Framework categories are named for this emphasis.
Click through the carousel below for a quick overview.
Take a quick assessment and discover which chakra needs the most attention. You will learn a new strategy for gaining improved function in this center, which in turn supports your work with young people.
Want to know more about Ellen Tadd’s Framework for Wise Education?
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