Chakras & Child Development: Essential Tools for Helping Children Release Trauma
As you prepare for the upcoming school year, please join Maureen Burford, M.Ed., for a discussion on healing childhood trauma through the lens of Ellen Tadd’s holistic methodology, A Framework for Wise Education.
Tadd’s Framework is based on her observations about the human energy (chakra) system and its fundamental role in human development. Her Framework distills these findings into practical tools that help a child’s chakra system function well. This, in turn, supports all aspects of healthy child development and aids in healing past hurts and traumas.
Tadd defines trauma as “ inability to let go of an unwanted experience.” By applying specific tools and strategies that shift children’s focus from reactions to wise perception, they can begin to heal from past wounds as they move forward with their lives. The younger we are when we learn these strategies, the better we can navigate life’s challenges in the future.
In this lecture, you will get an overview of Tadd’s Framework approach — and learn how this pedagogy can aid all children as they navigate the twists and turns of growing up in a world of ever-increasing change. You will be introduced to a powerful technique to help children gain a new perspective that supports well-being.
Where: Over Zoom
Cost: $20
Click here to register.